... that may be helpful for your decision.
Why is admileo particularly suited to support our company in practice? Many systems promise that...
Because admileo was developed under real-life conditions and because its practical use is still our first priority. Frequently, comparable systems are designed under laboratory conditions. In practice such systems suddenly face completely new challenges of the daily operational project business. In such cases a lack of flexibility might lead users to quickly revert to their relatively uncomplicated Excel sheets which, however, will never be able to autonomously control a professional, team-oriented project management. Our team continuously benefits from advanced training in all relevant specialist fields and is thus always kept up to date with all current methods and technical options - the best practices. At the same time, in the conceptual phase we are always quite close to our customers so that we can keep an eye on the practical developments. admileo can thus completely fulfil the practical requirements of all fields of application as it provides all features of a modern project and product data management, a convenient organisational control as well as an efficient contact and document management while by far exceeding the standard options.
Does that mean we will no longer need any Excel sheets?
No, you won't. admileo makes all contents and information available to you in graphical and tabular form. Nevertheless you can export contents from admileo to Excel at any time in order to use them outside admileo. All Excel exports are already optimised but you can still freely adjust them to your particular needs. Moreover, admileo provides a mature reporting system, with which you can generate your own reports on all relevant subjects.
Can admileo integrate our locations, departments and project teams to create a common network?
Of course. admileo with its top-level functions can be used across all business locations and facilitates any networking of locations, business units, virtual project teams, product data and all available resources that are required by medium-sized enterprises or groups of companies to conduct their business. For this purpose it is even possible to create temporary corporate structures and to integrate external service providers into the organisation and the project management. Every change in the system will be visible immediately and in real time at every location with all of its effects.
We have project teams from different countries which we want to integrate into our projects. Can admileo do this?
Yes. On the one hand, admileo is designed for multilingualism and internationalisation and can be extended to work with any further language by means of pre-configured language files. On the other hand, it is possible to conveniently integrate external employees for the time of the cooperation into your own corporate structures. Here, the system can not only take account of individual conditions such as pay codes, alternative working hours models or deviating holiday times but also the different linguistic characteristics.
Most important for us is that we can quickly access all stored contents. What is admileo's solution for this requirement?
In the whole system there is a dedicated navigation area at your disposal on the left-hand side. Its search function enables you to quickly and easily find any desired admileo object, namely business units, projects, products etc.
We do not want every employee to need endlessly long training for learning how to operate the system. How much training do they require for using admileo?
As few as possible. Despite its high level of performance and the necessary structural complexity, the system is always manageable for the user due to the intuitive program interface. Our innovative operating concept has been extensively tested by usability tests in cooperation with the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and different user groups and they confirmed that it is intuitive and user-friendly in every respect. Of course, this does also apply to working with the system over a longer period of time.
In times of digital theft: How do you handle the demands for security and data protection?
The system is perfectly protected against unauthorised access. As a matter of course, admileo guarantees that your data will be safe any time, anywhere. For this, our team applies highly advanced, always up-to-date security mechanisms. The server can either be located on your premises or, upon request, be hosted by us.
We must be able to rely on the system once installed. How reliable is the technology on which admileo is based?
As the system must be reliable and most efficient, our team is always working with the current state of the art. Every day we run system-wide test mechanisms, which will react to any change of the IT environment. Here, all common scenarios are considered just as they may occur in practical operation. A reporting system will immediately forward any change requiring response to the respective developer. Another developer will then always become involved as an "additional human tester" before anything is released.
We are new in the market and we do not yet know exactly how our working methods and processes will be supported by a software program. Can you help us?
Yes. Even though the system can be operated intuitively, we offer training for beginners, advanced users and experts. The objective of such training is to map and control the processes of the enterprise with the admileo system, always in consultation with the customer. The training courses can, of course, be adapted to the different user groups.